Feeding Recommendations
- Introduce Meal Time Alpaca Pellets gradually to allow digestive systems to adjust to the higher starch intake.
- Alpacas should always have access to a quality fibre source such as hay, chaff, pasture or silage to maintain a healthy digestive system.
- Do not allow individual animals to over consume. When feeding a group of animals spread the feed along the trough to allow for easy access by them all.
- Keep feed fresh and ensure feeding containers are kept clean.
- Ensure that Alpacas have access to fresh, clean water at all times.
- Feed Meal Time Alpaca Pellets plus Zinc from January to mid-April to help with the prevention of Facial Eczema.
Suggested Feeding Rates as a Supplement:
- Wethers, non-pregnant females or in early pregnancy: up to 150grams/head/day.
- Late gestation (in last trimester): 150-500grams/head/day.Lactating: 150-500grams and can increase up to 1000 grams/head/day.
- Growing Cria: 50-150grams/head/day