Traditional, early maturing gherkin, for pickling whole or sliced. Good yields throughout the summer.
How To Grow:
Sow 12mm deep, direct in final position. Sow 2 or 3 seeds in clumps, later thinning to the strongest seedling. Allow 40-50cm between clumps. When young plants have 5 or 6 leaves, pinch out growing tips to encourage growth of side shoots. Keep well watered. Seedlings emerge 6-10 days.
When To Plant: Spring and early Summer.
Harvest: Summer and Autumn.
Sow: Spring, Summer
Important Note: These seeds may be treated with a fungicide (Thiram or Apron XL), do not eat the seeds or feed them to animals. Fungicide treatment is an AQIS requirement for certain varieties of seeds. It does not affect your crops or harm insects such as bees. If your packet has been treated it will be well marked with a warning and the seeds will be dyed a distinct colour.
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