Directions for use
Raising seed in containers:
Step 1. Fill the container with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix to 1cm below rim of container. Mix should be moist.
Step 2. Level and gently firm the mix.
Step 3. Space seed as directed.
Step 4. Lightly cover with thin layer of Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix. Very small seeds, or seeds requiring light to germinate, may be simply pushed into the surface.
Step 5. Water with a fine mist so as to not dislocate or float the seeds
Step 6. Place in a lightly shaded or dappled sun position. Cover fine seeds with glass or plastic to help maintain even temperature and moisture.
Step 7. When seeds have germinated, remove the covering and move into stronger light and eventually more sunlight to harden off the seedlings.
Step 8. Keep moist but not wet and do not let dry right out.
Step 9. Transplant seedlings when they are big enough to easily handle or roots are starting to show through bottom of tray.
Propagating cuttings:
Successful propagation of cuttings requires warm, moist and humid conditions.
Step 1. Fill pot or tray with moist Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix.
Step 2. Select fresh cuttings from healthy plants.
Step 3. Prepare cuttings and trim as required.
Step 4. Make a hole in the mix to required depth with a pencil or similar.
Step 5. Dip cut end in Yates Clonex Root Gel – Softwood and Semi-Hard Wood Purple. Insert cutting into hole and firm around it gently.
Step 6. Water well and allow to drain.
Step 7. Enclose in plastic or glass to maintain humidity and warmth. Avoid the cover touching leaves.
Step 8. Place in a warm position and good light but not direct sun. Keep moist but not wet.
Step 9. When roots have formed, remove cover and harden off gradually.