Growing a Green Crop
- The time to sow a green crop is after summer vegetable harvest has finished and the garden has been cleared of weeds and old plants.
- Fork over the soil then rake level the soil.
- Scatter the green crop seed at the recommended rate per square metre or check the specific instructions on the packet.
- Cover seed with a fine layer of soil pack it down lightly.
- Water well.
- The crop shouldn’t require any special attention unless there is a dry period where some extra watering may be required.
- The green crop should be chopped down before flowering or six weeks before you need to use your garden in the spring, whichever comes first.
- Dig all the stems and foliage into the soil and allow to decompose and release its nutrients for the following crop.
Note: It your green crop flowers and sets seed it may become a nescience at a later stage.
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