Dust Free: Shavings are virtually dust free and are put through a dust screening process removing dust and smaller particles. This is one of the main reasons dust free wood fibre is recommended as animal bedding. This dust-free material causes the least possible amount of irritation to the sensitive lungs and bronchial tubes, which benefits the animals’ health and well-being.
Absorbent: Compared to the likes of straw, dust free pine wood shavings have a very high absorption rate. 100% produced from kiln dried pine. The drying process removes excess moisture, which can lead to mould and also provides for high absorption rates. Kiln dried shavings reduce excess weight ensuring maximum product in every bale. Wood shavings come in various sizes and you’ll find that as the animal bedding settles, the smaller pieces will form an excellent cushioning base while still maintaining good absorption.
Naturally Antibacterial: If you are looking for animal bedding, your best option is pure pine wood shavings. Not only does pine smell wonderfully aromatic thanks to natural odour-absorbing oils, but it is also antibacterial and has ammonia-reducing properties. These naturally occurring oleoresins and the hygroscopic features give pine a unique, completely natural defense system against many of the bugs that can damage an animal’s health.
Durable: These Shavings are not only efficient and economical to use, but also durable. As the shavings are broken down they become part of the cushioning offered by the base of the bedding therefore still offering effect support. The naturally occurring compact structure means it is much easier working with wood fibre as a bedding material. It can be spread quickly and evenly. When cleaning your stable, the wood fibre can be easily shaken loose from the manure using a muck rake so that bedding material does not unnecessarily end up being thrown out.
Eco Friendly & Recyclable: Used animal bedding provides a wonderful opportunity to add something back to the environment. Composting of your discarded bedding and returning this compost to the land provides an excellent way to give something back. Used bedding will only require oxygen (air) and water to begin breaking down and start the process of turning into a rich compost mixture for your garden or land. Purepine Shavings bale plastic can also be added to your plastic recycling program therefore ensuring nothing goes to waste.