Flubenolâ„¢ (flubendazole)
Have your chickens got worms?
It is difficult to tell but here are some symptoms:
*Frothy diarrhea *Eating more *Pale egg yolks *Weight loss
Treat every three months or sooner if worms are detected.
Yardlands recommend getting a fecal count (contact for more information).
Flubenol 5% is an oral poultry wormer that effectively kills every known gastrointestinal worm that infect poultry including gapeworm, large roundworm, small roundworm, hairworm in crop and small intestine and tapeworm.
Only a tiny amount of Flubenol is recommended, it is nontoxic to both humans and poultry.
Flubenol has no withholding period for meat and eggs.
This is a seven-day treatment.
Thoroughly mix 1 level metric teaspoon (supplied) into 5kg of feed and feed over 7 consecutive days, 5kg of feed normally feeds 6 chickens at 120g each feed per day.
If treated feed is consumed before seven days then top up to get them through to the seven days.
There is a low risk of overdosing.
Feed out in an appropriate feeder. (Do not throw feed on the ground).
Treatment is optimised when chicken pens and houses are kept hygienic.
Flubenol 5%
Active Ingredient 50 mg/g Flubendazole
Oral wormer for poultry
Flubenol 5% is indicated for worm infestations in poultry
roundworms (Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria spp., Amidostomum anseris and Trichostrongylus tenuis, Raillietina sp) and gapeworm (Syngamus trachea).
Chickens and geese:
30 g flubendazole per ton of feed (30 ppm) for 7 consecutive days.
In case of infestation with tapeworm (Rallietina sp.), give 60 g flubendazole per ton of feed (60 ppm) for 7 consecutive days.
20g flubendazole peer ton of feed (20 ppm) for 7 consecutive days.
Pheasants and partridges:
60g flubendazole per ton of feed (60 ppm) for 7 consecutive days.
Flubenol 5% should be mixed into the feed and the mixture administered.
For a group treatment make sure that all animals take enough Flubenol 5%. The medicine should therefore be well mixed into the feed so that a homogenous mixture is obtained. It should not be strewn over pellets or crums since this gives a nonhomogeneous mixture.
- 20g flubendazole per ton (20 ppm) corresponds to 400g of Flubenol 5% peer ton of feed.
- 30g flubendazole per ton (30 ppm) corresponds to 600g 0f Flubenol 5% per ton of feed.
- 60g flubendazole per ton (60 ppm) corresponds to 1.2 kg of Flubenol 5% peer ton of feed.
Treatment with Flubenol 5% gives optimal results only when strict hygiene of the poultry houses is practiced.
In poultry even 3 times the highest dose (180 ppm flubendazole) for 7 days had no negative effects on egg production, egg quality, hatching results growth of offspring or in any other respect.
By law the user must take due care, obtaining expert advice when necessary, to avoid unnecessary pain and distress when using the product other than as directed on the label.
MEAT: Chickens producing meat or offal for human consumption must not be sold for slaughter either during treatment or within NILÂ days of the last treatment.
EGGS: Eggs from treated birds must not be sold for human consumption for NIL days following the last treatment.
MEAT: Turkeys and geese producing meat or offal for human consumption must not be sold for slaughter either during treatment or within 1 day of the last treatment.
MEAT: Game birds producing meat or offal for human consumption must not be sold foe slaughter either during treatment or within 4 days of the last treatment.
It is an offence for uses of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the Food Notice:? Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds.
Safety Directions: In connection with potential hypersentivity reactions and contact dermatitis when mixing, handling and/or administering the product, direct skin contact with the product and inhalation of the product should be avoided. For this purpose, he person administering the product should wear gloves and a dust mask.
First Aid: For advise contact the National Poisons Centre
0800 POISONS (0800 764766) or a doctor immediately.
May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated oral exposure.
Read label before use. Do not breath dust. Get medical advice or attention if you feel unwell.
Environmental protection: Very toxic to aquatic life. DO NOT contaminate wetlands or watercourses with this product or used containers.
Disposal: Preferably dispose of the product bty use. Otherwise dispose of product and packaging at an approved landfill or other approved facility. Dispose in accordance with local requirements. For further details see the Safety Data Sheet.
Flubenol 5% should be kept at 15-30C (Room temperature). Feed prepared with Flubenol 5%Â can be kept for up to 8 weeks.
The manufacturer of this animal remedy extends/grants to the purchaser a warranty that this animal remedy is reasonabl fit for the purpose for which its use is recommended, provided that the purchaser uses the remedy only for the purpose for which it is recommended and strictly in accordance with the directions on this container.
Registered Pursuant to the ACVM Act 1979, No. A006818.
See www.foodsafety.govt.nz/acvm for registration conditions.
Registered to
Elanco Australasia Pty LTD
27/88 Shortland Street
Auckland, 1010
Ph: 0800 426 633