Yates Spray Fix 200ml
- Makes up to 50 litres of spray
What is in Yates SprayFix?
Sprayfix is a non-ionic surfactant containing 50g/litre alkylaryl polyglycol ether.
- Spreads and sticks sprays to the plants surface, especially leaves
- Improves spray efficiency and effectiveness when mixed with spray
- Can be used with fungicides, insecticides and weedkillers
- Useful when spraying plants with hairy or waxy leaves which are normally difficult to wet
- Can be used on a wide variety of plants including citrus, apples, plums, peaches, roses, cabbages and onions
- Excellent for use with weedkillers on plants such as oxalis, wild onion, wandering trad, bamboo, kikuyu, couch and other grasses
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