WHY USE Success Ultra?
- Highly effective formulation that controls caterpillars on key crops; tomatoes, herbs, vegetables and ornamental plants
- Controls codling moth on apples and pears
- Other insect pests controlled: thrips, tomato potato psyllid (TPP), citrus leaf miner, pear & cherry slug, tomato leaf miner, leaf rollers, and oriental fruit moth
- Low toxic formulation makes for use on edible plants
Spinetoram has translaminar movement, which means it moves into the leaf, making the solution resistant to rain and sunlight six hours after application
The active is absorbed by both contact on the insect and ingestion. Short withholding period on some crops means minimal waiting.
Shake well before use. Measure out required amount of Yates Success Ultra and mix with water.
Ensure that all foliage, including undersides of leaves is sprayed. Apply in the cool of the early morning or late evening. Insects will stop feeding immediately but may take up to three days to die
What is in Success Ultra?
Concentrate: 5 g/L Spinetoram in the form of a suspension concentrate
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