Sharpes Chick Starter Crumbles
This is a high protein ration specifically formulated to give chicks the best start to life. Sharpes Chick Crumbles are formulated with high quality, locally sourced ingredients, with the addition of meat and bone meal for an excellent source of protein, calcium and phosphorous for healthy growth.
Sharpes Chick Crumble is suitable for commercial, domestic and broiler chicks.
This ration contains a coccidiostat to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis in the young birds.
FEED RECOMMENDATION: Feed ad lib from 1 day old to 6-8 weeks.
TOP TIP: Always ensure that chicks have access to fresh, clean water.
INGREDIENTS SELECTED FROM: Locally sourced grains and cereals; meat and bone meal, plant proteins, limestone, macro and trace minerals & vitamins, Rumensinâ„¢ 20% MillMixâ„¢.
TYPICAL ANALYSIS (approximate on an as fed basis): Crude Protein 20% Fat 3.8%
STORAGE: To maintain quality please store product in a cool, dry and vermin free environment. Best fed within six months of production.
WARNING This feed contains Rumensinâ„¢ 20% Millmixâ„¢. For Animal Treatment Only.
Do not feed to Sheep, Cattle, Deer, Goats, Buffaloes, or other ruminant animals.
This product contains or may contain Ruminant Protein.
This feed contains Rumensinâ„¢ 20% Millmixâ„¢ in the poultry feed at a rate of 0.5 kg premix per tonne of feed as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E.brunetti, E.maxima, E.mivati, E.necatrix and E.tenella. This is the equivalent of 100 ppm (mg/kg) of monensin active ingredient in the poultry feed. Rumensinâ„¢ 20% MillMixâ„¢ is a registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, A009107. See for registration conditions.
By law the user must take due care, obtaining expert advice, when necessary, to avoid unnecessary pain and distress when using the product other than as directed on the label.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Poultry consuming Rumensinâ„¢ 20% MillMixâ„¢ should not be treated with products containing tiamulin or oleandomycin. Severe growth depression may occur.
CAUTION: Do not use on horses, dogs or other equid or camelid species as fatal toxicosis may result. Ensure recommended doses are not exceeded. Care must be exercised when feeding concurrently with other antimicrobials. It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the Food Notice: Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds.
WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Poultry: Meat – Nil Eggs – 10 days Please note: Do not feed to any other animal species than those listed on the label and only feed as directed.
Nutritional information provided by: Nutritech International.